
DuBard School for Language Disorders
The DuBard School for Language Disorders is a gem to South Mississippi that provides free full-time speech-language services to approximately 80 students each year. Students ages three to 13 attend DuBard School Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and receive intensive speech-language therapy integrated with their traditional schoolwork. To help fund these specialty services, the DuBard School relies on contributions from United Way, private foundations, corporations, and donations from friends of the school – many of which became aware of DuBard School through the Speakeasy event. This is why the Speakeasy is deemed a “friend-raiser”. The anticipation is that those in attendance will have the time of their lives and become forever friends and advocates of the school.
Supporters of the school not only help local students but individuals throughout the country. Professional development outreach allows the DuBard Association Method® to extend beyond the walls of the school. The phonetic, multisensory teaching-learning strategy was designed for students with language deficiencies. It was devised originally by the late Mildred McGinnis and has been modified and expanded by the late Etoile DuBard and the staff of the DuBard School. The method teaches language to individuals beginning with one sound at-a-time. To date, this method has been taught to professionals in 38 states and is changing the lives of students all over the world.